Jethro Iresare

Volunteer Staff

Hello there! I’m Jethro. Thank you for randomly coming to this bio and looking into InterVarsity! I am a Filipino-American volunteering here at InterVarsity UCSD to help in any way I can and to show the love that Christ has graciously given to us. I graduated from Cal State Long Beach with my BS in Electrical Engineering in 2019 and I am working full time in a medical device company. I was part of the chapter at CSULB and got to see God move in many ways. It’s a privilege to be here and I’m excited to see how God moves in UCSD as well as meet new people! I am an enneagram 9 and an INFJ according to the Myers-Briggs indicator. Some tidbits about me: I like to sing, write some poems/spoken word, hiking, board games and getting to know someone in a deep way (probably ask random questions but trust me there is sense to some of them).


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